P. 22

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Describing events happening at the same time in the past   Theme 3
                                •  Explaining people’s habits in the past                   Hard Times 9


          1.  Read the passage about the traditions in the Ottoman Empire and fill in the gaps in the diagram.

                         UNIQUE OTTOMAN TRADITIONS
                The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and fell in 1923.
                This empire ruled for over 600 years, and during  those
                years,  its  rule covered many continents including  Asia,
                Africa and Europe.  This  long period played a huge
                role in establishing many unique Ottoman traditions.
                In those years, the rich Ottoman class provided
                charity without embarrassing the poor people. The
                Ottoman people used to check if their guests
                were hungry. They used to serve coffee with
                a glass of water. When the guest drank the
                water before the coffee, it meant the guest
                was hungry, and they used  to prepare  a
                nice meal for them.
                Another interesting tradition was a bunch of
                yellow flowers. They used to put a bunch of
                yellow flowers close to the houses of sick
                people with the belief that the people
                knew  the necessity to keep quiet
                and  avoid  any disturbance  in or
                around the house.                  Topic of the Passage

                               Tradition 1                                    Tradition 2

                          Purpose of the Tradition 1                    Purpose of the Tradition 2

          2.  Read the passage again and answer the following questions.
              1   It can easily be understood from the passage that in the Ottoman culture, ...
                  a   people didn’t use to give respect to the elderly.
                  b    yellow flowers in front of a house meant there was a sick person in the house.

              2   In the passage, it is clear that …
                  a   when you saw yellow flowers in front of a house, you couldn’t make noise.
                  b    they used to prepare a meal if the guest was full.
              3   According to the passage, …
                  a   the rich people didn’t use to hurt the feelings of the poor while helping them.
                  b    some rich people used to treat the poor people badly.

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