Page 9 - İngilizce 11 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 9

THEME 7                                       ENGLISH 11
                                FACTS ABOUT TURKEY                                  ACTIVITY SHEETS

                    COMPETENCES   •  Students will be able to recognize information about the description of a monument or a historic site in a recorded text.  COMPETENCES  •  Students will be able to interview with a friend to get detailed information about places he / she has visited.

            1  Listen to Barbara talking about Cappadocia and match the columns.

               1.  Göreme National Park                            a.  is a place where you can hike.
               2.   Derinkuyu Underground City             b.  is totally natural.
               3.  Kaymaklı Underground City                      c.   is the deepest city.
               4.   Ihlara Valley                          d.  is also known as “Valley of the Fairy Chimneys.”
               5.  Soğanlı Archeological Site                            e.  is the largest city.

            2  Listen to the text again and complete UNESCO ID Card of Cappadocia.

                        UNESCO Identity Card

             Official Name:

             Date of Inscription:


             Reference No:


            3  Listen again and tick the correct statements.

               1.    Barbara decided to stop doing the same things on her holiday.
               2.    She aimed at having a hot air balloon ride.
               3.    When she arrived in Nevşehir, she thought she was at the right place for a hot air balloon ride.
               4.    She searched for Cappadocia before she arrived there.
               5.    She had plenty of time to explore the wonderland.
               6.    Travelers are fascinated by the area’s historic and geographic atmosphere.
               7.    She was extremely impressed when she saw Soğanlı Archeological Site.

   Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                          8
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