P. 52



          a) Scan the text and match the highlighted words with their synonyms.
              _____   1.   severe        a.  continue
              _____   2.   precious      b.  very bad
              _____   3.   consume       c.  valuable
              _____   4.   survive       d.  eat
              _____   5.   last          e.  live

          b) Fill in the blanks in the text with the given phrases or sentences
            in the box.
              a.  After the first two lessons
              b.  When Arian comes back home
              c.  The day starts with
              d.  Usually, the classes end at 2 p.m.
              e.  Arian arrives at school in time
              f.  After lunch
              g.  Locals know the importance of learning the proper clothing
              h.  At 7:40 a.m.
              This is a typical routine of Arian, a boy living in Yakutia, the coldest village in the world.
            A Day in Yakutia, the Coldest Village in the World
              (1) _____________________ his father’s burning stove to keep his family warm on the freezing cold morning in Yakutia
              because of the severe climate. Two things are precious in this village: one is wood to use for heating the house for nine months
              non-stop; the second one is the drinking water. There are no water facilities because the pipes freeze during the long winter,
              so ice is the main source of water during the whole winter. They store and defrost the ice to use it as drinking water.
              In Yakutia, during the harsh climate, it’s almost impossible to grow fruits and vegetables, so most of the desserts consist of
              dairy food. As a result, they generally consume fish and meat; they don’t eat fruit and vegetables easily.
              (2) _____________________, it’s time for Arian, the youngest son, to wake up. Arian is fourteen years old and attends the
              local high school. Children in Yakutia go to school when it’s warmer than minus 54 degrees, but when the temperature drops
              below minus 55 degrees, it’s too dangerous to go to school.
              (3) _____________________ to survive in such extreme winters, so Arian’s mom always makes sure that everyone wears
              enough clothes because without proper dressing the cold reaches deep inside the bones threatening their life. She also
              makes sure that his face is fully covered; otherwise, the exposed part can get frostbite.
              (4) _____________________ and there are already many children who have also arrived on foot. Arian studies in the ninth
              grade, and high school lasts four years. They study three languages at school: Russian, English and Sakha, their mother
              (5) _____________________, it’s time for a second breakfast. Eating regularly is essential to increase energy in the cold
              winters for little Yakuts. After breakfast, they play indoors as the temperature is too cold to play outside, and after all it takes
              too long to dress up again.
              (6) _____________________, and Arian always stops by the local store to have ice cream. Despite the extreme cold, Arian
              and his friends eat popcorn on their way home. They also play games and have fun before going back home. Parents are
              not worried about their children because all the locals know each other with about 800 people in the whole village.
              (7) _____________________, he helps his father in cattle breeding and his mother in preparing the food for lunch. Another
              of Arian’s daily duties is to chop the firewood. Arian knows from an early age that daily work is necessary to survive in such
              extreme cold.
              (8) _____________________, he goes fishing or hunting with his father as these are his favourite activities. They don’t
              come back home late because the weather gets colder and colder. After dinner, they spend time together and sleep early.

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