Page 63 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 63

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                     EXERCISES – Tenses

               A)                              B)                             C)
               1.   utilises                   1.   deserve                   1.   have not yet produced
               2.   include                    2.   need                      2.   has released
               3.   are debating               3.   are thinking              3.   have announced
               4.   express                    4.   involve                   4.   has been searching
               5.   dispute                    5.   concerns                  5.   have refused
               6.   do not believe             6.   taste                     6.   has been increasing
               7.   claim                      7.   are currently weighing    7.   have been going on
               8.   are                        8.   feel                      8.   has discovered
               9.   employs                    9.   is becoming
               10. provide                     10. see
               11. seems
               12. is developing
               13. become

                     EXERCISES – Tenses

               D)                             E)                            G)
               1.   was crossing              1. smells nice and has          1        __________
               2.   was descending            2. started to use               2     are preferring   prefer
               3.   was contemplating         3. has been increasing          3        __________
               4.   spent                     4. a required file has lost     4        __________
               5.   were                      5. have already known
               6.   carved                    6. is the second time in history  5    has come   comes
                                                                              6      became   become
               7.   recorded                  7. is experiencing a period of
               8.   didn’t think                                              7       had tired   tried
               9.   amputated                 F)                              8        __________
               10. get out                    1.   recently                   9        __________
               11. needed                     2.   constantly                10        when   after
               12. managed                    3.   occasionally              11        __________
               13. started                    4.   hardly ever / barely      12    were finding  found out
               14. was walking                5.   while                     13 has discovered   discovered
               15. ran                        6.   so far
                                                                             14        __________
               16. supplied                   7.   barely / hardly ever
                                                                             15        __________
               17. thought                    8.   since
               18. arrived                    9.   in antiquity              16      was trying   tried
               19. rescued                    10. after                      17        __________
                                                                             18   had designed   designed
                                                                             19        __________
                                                                             20      cannot   could not
                                                                             21        __________

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