Page 139 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 139


                                  YDT Sınavında Yaygın Kullanılan Zıt Anlamlı Zarflar
         Zarf                     Zıt Anlamlı Kullanımlar
         correctly                incorrectly, inappropriately
         eagerly                  reluctantly, hesitantly
         certainly                doubtfully, possibly
         completely               partially, partly
         often                    rarely, seldom
         increasingly             decreasingly, less
         virtually                completely, entirely
         previously               currently, presently
         intentionally            unintentionally, accidentally
         commonly                 infrequently, rarely

         ♦  She didn’t accept the offer eagerly as she has many hesitations about the job.
            She accepted the offer reluctantly as she has many hesitations about the job.
         ♦  The project is virtually complete, with just a few minor details left.
            The project is not entirely complete, with a few tasks remaining.
                                  YDT Sınavında Yaygın Kullanılan Zıt Anlamlı İsimler
         İsim                     Zıt Anlamlı Kullanımlar
         achievement              failure, defeat
         approval                 disapproval, opposition
         debate                   agreement, consensus
         development              regression, decline
         existence                absence, nonexistence
         harm                     benefit, gain
         objection                acceptance, agreement
         punishment               award, reward
         certainty                doubt, uncertainty
         acceptance               denial, refusal

         ♦  Despite the challenges, there was a sense of certainty that the project would be successfully completed on time.
            Despite the challenges, there was no doubt that the project would be successfully completed on time.
         ♦  Her proposal was met without objection, so the plan moved forward.
            Her proposal received full acceptance, allowing the plan to proceed.
                                   YDT Sınavında Yaygın Kullanılan Zıt Anlamlı Fiiller
         Fiil                     Zıt Anlamlı Kullanımlar
         (to) admit               (to) deny, (to) refuse
         (to) construct           (to) destroy, (to) demolish
         (to) continue            (to) cease, (to) stop
         (to) increase            (to) reduce, (to) decrease
         (to) forget              (to) recall, (to) remember
         (to) rely                (to) distrust, (to) doubt
         (to) fail                (to) succeed, (to) accomplish
         (to) sell                (to) purchase, (to) buy
         (to) save                (to) spend, (to) waste
         (to) hire                (to) fire, (to) dismiss
         ♦  I had to stop reading the book because of its intense and emotional storyline.
            I couldn’t continue reading the book because of its intense and emotional storyline.
         ♦  The manager didn't forget to bring the documents for the meeting.
            The manager made sure to recall bringing the documents for the meeting.
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