P. 150
A) With the increasing importance of A) To accept and be able to overcome challenges
environmental protection and sustainable gives youngsters self-esteem and self-
urbanisation, the concept of urban gardening confidence and this is essential for their
has become widely used, especially in recent personal growth in life.
B) As long as youngsters accept and overcome
B) Especially in recent years, the widespread use challenges in life, they gain self-esteem and
of urban gardening has become an important confidence, which is essential for their personal
issue, due to the increasing importance of growth.
environmental pollution and unsustainable
urbanisation. C) It is essential to boost self-esteem and
confidence for young people so that they can
C) Especially in recent years, the concept of urban learn how to accept and overcome challenges
gardening has become popular, especially in life.
because of the decreasing importance of
environmental protection and sustainable D) Since gaining self-esteem and confidence for
urbanisation. personal growth is a must for youngsters, they
can easily accept and overcome challenges in
D) Urban gardening has become a widely used life.
concept, especially in recent years, due to
the increasing importance of environmental E) Accepting and overcoming the challenges in
protection and sustainable urbanisation. life gives youngsters self-esteem and self-
confidence, which is essential for their personal
E) With the increasing importance of growth.
environmental protection and sustainable
farming, urban gardening has become widely
used, especially in recent years.
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