P. 265
A) New technology makes the world more
accessible to individuals with disabilities, and
this is one of the best aspects of it.
A) Recycling is an essential part of waste
management; therefore, the long-term goal B) The fact that technology makes the world a
should be the elimination of recyclable better place for individuals with disabilities is
materials, altogether emphasising the one of the best aspects of new technology.
importance of embracing sustainable
alternatives. C) The best aspect of new technology is that
it is making the world more accessible to
B) Although the ultimate goal is to eradicate individuals with disabilities.
recyclable materials, highlighting the
importance of sustainable alternatives should D) Making the world more accessible to
be a crucial part of waste management. individuals with disabilities can be one of the
best aspects of new technology.
C) Since recycling is a vital waste management
strategy, the ultimate objective should be the E) One of the best aspects of new technology
complete elimination of recyclable materials is how it makes the world more accessible to
and embracing sustainable alternatives. individuals with disabilities.
D) While recycling is a very important waste
management strategy, the ultimate goal should
be the complete elimination of recyclable
materials and emphasize the need to adopt
sustainable alternatives.
E) Recycling is still a key waste management
method, but the ultimate goal should be the
total eradication of recyclable materials and to
embrace sustainable alternatives.
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