P. 277


                    -  0
                                                             A)  the lack of scientific evidence about Freudian
                                                                slips completely undermines the theory
               Have you ever called your friend by someone
               else’s name or misunderstood a written word?   B)  physical problems frequently result in slips of
               This phenomenon is called ‘Freudian slip’, which   the tongue or memory loss
               is an error in speech, memory, or physical action.
               Although some claim that William Shakespeare   C)  Shakespeare’s plays were influential in coining
                as t e  rst  erso  to t     o   t  t e  reud a  s      the term ‘Freudian slip’ for Sigmund Freud
               dates back to Sigmund Freud’s studies in 1901.
               According to Sigmund Freud, some of these slips   D)  because not all Freudian slips have psychological
               are not coincidental but rather        a person’s   significance, they are not always meaningful
               hidden thoughts, feelings, or wishes. Freudian   E)  the difficulty of studying Freudian slips
               slips are often associated with saying the wrong   demonstrates that a slip of the tongue is just an
               word or name; however, they may also happen      accident
               during writing, typing, or even physical acts. Given
               t at  reud a  s   s are d    u t to   vest  ate
               a resear   sett     t ere  s   tt e s  e t     roo
               that a slip of the tongue is more than an accident.
               While some slips may have simple explanations
               like stress, fatigue, or distractions, others may
               be related to the unconscious mind or memory    0   T                    reveal
               repression.                                              ----
                                                             A)  expose          B)  oppose

                                                             C)  hinder          D)  convince

                                                                         E)  approve


               A)  are a reliable indicator of one’s unconscious
                 thoughts or feelings

               B)  can happen due to simple linguistic errors

               C)  were extensively discussed and studied by
                 William Shakespeare

               D)  are usually restricted to behavioural mistakes

               E)  were considered unintentional by Sigmund

                                                       276                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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