P. 283


                                                                       T                           S

               A)  Despite exhibiting incredible diversity, most
                 stars in the Milky Way are classified into   A)  Given the fact that mirrors reflect the world
                 specific groups and clusters.                  and give a realistic image of it, Sylvia Plath
                                                                personified them in her poem Mirror.
               B)  Even though they are all classified into groups
                 and clusters, the stars within the Milky Way can   B)  In her poem Mirror, Sylvia Plath personified
                 sometimes exhibit incredible diversity.        mirrors because they reflect the world while
                                                                offering an accurate depiction of it.
               C)  The incredible diversity of stars within the Milky
                 Way can only be seen in a few groupings and   C)  In Sylvia Plath’s poem Mirror, the mirror is
                 clusters.                                      personified because it reflects the world around
                                                                it and gives anyone who looks at it a true, pure
               D)  Despite their remarkable variety, it is possible   self-vision.
                 to categorise the stars that make up the Milky
                 Way into groups and clusters.               D)  The mirror is personified in Sylvia Plath’s poem
                                                                Mirror because the viewer’s image in it reflects
               E)  Classifying stars in the Milky Way into groups   the world in an honest and unfiltered way.
                 and clusters is hard due to the fact that they
                 exhibit incredible diversity.               E)  Sylvia Plath gave mirrors human characteristics
                                                                in her poem Mirror because they reflect the
                                                                world and create a realistic impression of it.

                                                       282                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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