Page 118 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 118
account for cut out interfere with
act out cut up keep away
act up deal with keep off
adhere to delve into keep on
aim at depend on/upon keep up
amount to derive from knock down
back down dispose of lay down
back up dive into lay out
blow over divide up lead to
break down do away with leave behind
break in draw on leave off
break into draw up leave out
bring about emanate from lie down
bring back end up lie in
bring down fall apart liken to
bring in fall behind look ahead
bring on fall for look around for
bring out fall into look down on
bring up fight off look for
bring upon figure out look forward to
build on fill in look into
bump up against fill out look out
call back find out look out for
call for focus on look over
call off follow up look up
carry away get along look up to
carry on get away look upon
carry out get away with make out
catch up get back make up
centre on get into make up for
check in get off mix up
clean up get out of move on
clear out get over pass away
close off get through pass down
come across get up to pass for
come down give away pass into
come down to give in pass on
come down with give off pass out
come in give up pass over
come into give up on pay off
come out go against pertain to
come out of go back on phase out
come over go off pick up
come through go over pin down
come up to go through pull down
come up with grow apart pull over
consist of grow up pull through
cool down hand down pull up
count against hand in put aside
count on hand over put away
count upon hang around put back
credit with heat up put down
culminate in hold back put forward
cut across hold on put in
cut back hold out put off
cut off hold out on put on