Page 25 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 25


         1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

        1.   Having comprehensive ---- against unexpected   5.   Güllaç, which ---- milk, sugar, rose water, and thin
            events, such as natural disasters or medical      sheets of dough, is a traditional Turkish dessert,
            emergencies, can provide financial security and   especially consumed during Ramadan as a
            peace of mind.                                    refreshing way to end a meal after fasting.
            A) movement                                       A) mixes up
            B) admiration                                     B) tries on
            C) insurance                                      C) finds out
            D) calculation                                    D) consists of
            E) distinction                                    E) hands in

        2.   Most bacteria and viruses are ---- to the human   6.   Effective communication is essential in any
            eye, requiring specialised microscopes and        workplace because it allows ---- that are working
            laboratory techniques for scientists to identify   together on similar tasks to solve problems more
            them correctly.                                   efficiently.

            A) doubtful                                       A) explorers
            B) invisible                                      B) colleagues
            C) harmful                                        C) strangers
            D) offensive                                      D) ancestors
            E) virtual                                        E) passengers

        3.   In dynamic markets, companies often compete   7.   Although physical exercise is known to be
            ---- to gain the attention and loyalty of consumers   beneficial for health, people often report feeling
            and use a wide range of tactics to beat others in   ---- after intense workout sessions, deterring
            the industry.                                     them from exercising regularly.

            A) fiercely                                       A) reasonable
            B) admirably                                      B) unreliable
            C) annually                                       C) exhausted
            D) usefully                                       D) redundant
            E) miserably                                      E) independent

        4.   Multinational corporations are looking to Africa   8.   The Magna Carta, ---- intended as a peace
            to ---- and optimise the production of commodity   treaty in 1215, later became a key document in
            crops such as oil palm and soy in response to     the development of constitutional law and the
            increasing global demand.                         principles of individual rights.
            A) establish                                      A) instantly
            B) impose                                         B) fluently
            C) expand                                         C) originally
            D) reduce                                         D) hardly
            E) assume                                         E) frankly

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