Page 53 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 53


         1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

        1.   According to the Personal Data Protection Law,   5.   If you want to ---- your products online and attract
            companies  must receive direct ---- from clients   more customers, consider various advertising
            before collecting or processing their personal    methods, such as identifying your target
            information.                                      audience and partnering with influencers.
            A) guidance                                       A) turn down
            B) approval                                       B) show off
            C) objection                                      C) get into
            D) proposal                                       D) throw up
            E) evidence                                       E) fill out

        2.   While certain bacteria in the gut microbiota can   6.   Gregor Mendel, who made the most important
            be ----, such as those linked to inflammation,    ---- to modern science in biology by performing
            most others, like probiotics, support digestive   research on peas, is known as the father of
            health and the immune system.                     genetics.
            A) rare                                           A) interruption
            B) precious                                       B) coincidence
            C) harmful                                        C) contribution
            D) ultimate                                       D) separation
            E) giant                                          E) circumstance

        3.   During the mediaeval period, knights were    7.   Despite the ---- advancements in aircraft
            expected to behave ---- during ceremonial events   batteries today, they have a lower energy density
            to reflect their noble status, or they would risk   compared to the conventional hydrocarbon fuels
            losing respect.                                   currently used in aviation.

            A) miserably                                      A) significant
            B) impatiently                                    B) acceptable
            C) appropriately                                  C) relevant
            D) incautiously                                   D) domestic
            E) suspiciously                                   E) independent

        4.   Providing public buildings and transportation   8.   When threatened by predators, many small
            with ramps, lifts, and adapted restrooms is a key   mammals react ---- by hiding or freezing in place
            step in ---- accessibility issues for people with   to stay out of sight and enhance their chances of
            disabilities.                                     escaping harm.

            A) tackling                                       A) defensively
            B) extending                                      B) deliberately
            C) maintaining                                    C) fortunately
            D) implementing                                   D) sensitively
            E) arguing                                        E) enormously

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