Page 26 - English 9 & 10 | Summer School Book
P. 26

2. Talk about your free time activities with your partner. Then, write the name of the activities

             you talked about with your friend and the activities mentioned above in the table below

             according to yourself.

                                 I like       I don't like       I enjoy         I dislike        I hate


              Suggesting an Invitation

              How about going on a picnic?
              What about drinking tea?
              Shall we watch TV?
              Let’s throw a party.                                    Accepting an Invitation
              Why don’t we buy some hamburgers?
              Would you like to join us?                              Yes, OK.
              Why don’t you join us?                                  That’s good.
              Is there anything I can help you with?                  That sounds nice.
                                                                      I’d love to.

                                                                      Refusing an Invitation

                                                                      I’m sorry, I can’t.
                                                                      No, thanks.
                                                                      I’d rather not to go there because I have
                                                                      another commitment.

              Make an arrangement to meet your friend

              Your turn: Suggest an acitivity to your friend
              for Saturday.
              Your friend refuses your suggestion. Make
              another one. He / she accepts. Decide on the
              date and time.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    26 ENGLISH A1 - A2
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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