Page 38 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 38

Let's Speak

          4 Discuss your order with your partner using the useful language below.


            Your house is on fire. Work in pairs, and choose the ten most important items to rescue your house. Decide in which
            order you would rescue them. You may add other items. (1 is the most important.)

                                  HOUSEHOLD ITEMS                               ORDER FROM 1 TO 10

                  PC / laptop                                             _______________________________________________

                  important documents (passport, ID card, etc.)           _______________________________________________

                  mobile phone                                            _______________________________________________

                  clothes                                                 _______________________________________________

                  jewellery                                               _______________________________________________

                  books                                                   _______________________________________________

                  keys                                                    _______________________________________________

                  pets                                                    _______________________________________________

                  toys                                                    _______________________________________________

                  furniture                                               _______________________________________________

                  musical instruments                                     _______________________________________________

                  money                                                   _______________________________________________

                  other item?                                             _______________________________________________

                  other item?

               Useful language:

               Giving an opinion: I (don’t) think we should… / In my opinion… / If you ask me…

               Asking for an opinion: What do you think? / What’s your idea? / Do you agree?
               Agreeing: So do I. / Me neither. / Me too. / I totally agree. / Absolutely. / Exactly. / Yes, I agree.

               Disagreeing: I don’t agree. / I totally disagree. / I don’t think so. / I’m not sure about that.

               Partially agreement: I see your point, but… / That’s true, but… / I agree to some extent, but…

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    38 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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