Page 90 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 90

A    N    S   W     E    R         K     E    Y


            Let's Answer           1     1 hadn't been       2     1 I wish I had a calculator.

                                      2 had listened             2 I wish I understood the problem.
                                      3 not going                3 I wish I were in a different class.
                                      4 had taken                4 I wish I studied French.

                                     1 wishes she had  2 had worn his helmet  3 wish I hadn't told  4 wish you would try 5 I were you

                                   4     1 Come up with an idea   4 Gather images,audios, and videos
                                        2 Write the script        5 Put it all together
                                        3 Record your own voice   6 Share

                                   5   Students’ own answers  (Suggested answer: Features Of Smart Homes )

                                    6   HAPPINESS             INDEFERENCE             SURPRISE             INTEREST
                                         2, 4, 13               6, 9, 10, 14               3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 15             1, 8, 16

            Let's Write             1   Students’ own answers

                                   2     1  I wish I had had a passport. → If I had had a passport, I would have gone to Italy with my friends.
                                      2  Tom wishes he hadn't sprained his ankle. → If Tom hadn't sprained his ankle, he'd have played basketball
                                        in the final match.
                                      3  They wish they hadn't spoken to Anna so rudely. → If they hadn't spoken to Anna rudely, she wouldn't have
                                        been upset.
                                   3     A  Johnson is at the hospital to visit Phil. He wishes his mum brought a magazine and took him from there
                                        after work.
                                      B  Sue has taken her brother's laptop for her projrct. She wishes her brother, Jason, wouldn't get annoyed
                                        with her.
                                      C  Jenny can't go to school because of her illness. Sally wishes Jenny got well soon.

                                   4   Students’ own answers

                                   5     I wish I had paid attention to what I ate as a kid. If I had paid attention to what I ate as a kid, I wouldn’t
                                      1  be so plump now.
                                      2  If only I had read a lot of books before I went to university. If I had read a lot of books before I went to
                                        university, I would understand better what I read now.
                                        I wish I had more friends when I was in high school. If I had made a lot of friends when I was in high
                                      3  school, I wouldn’t be so lonely now.
                                        If only I hadn’t argued with my parents when I was a teenager. If I hadn’t argued with my parents in
                                      4  my youth, I wouldn’t feel remorse now.

            Let's Read             1   A. 3   B. 2   C. 1   D. 5   E. 4     2 1. reminds   2. gorgeous   3. a waste   4. loads of   5. gentle   6. challenges

                                   3   Students’ own answers   4   Students’ own answers

            Let's Produce          1   Students’ own answers

            Let's Have Fun         1   Students’ own answers

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    90 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92