P. 13

YDT • İngilizce                    İNGİLİZCE TESTİ                    3. ADIM • 1. DENEME

             1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.
             2. Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdına işaretleyiniz.

                                                           4.   Oil spills are generally considered a big setback
            1.  -  15.  sorularda,  cümlede  boş  bırakılan  yerlere
            uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.           for the fishing industry because the oily toxins
                                                               that ---- to the bottom of the ocean can affect the
           1.   When purchasing online, a conscious choice     various life forms in an aquatic environment.
               may be made about a product because the vast
               majority of shops now provide customer feedback   A)  attribute
               through ----.                                   B)  restore
                                                               C)  respond
               A)  deceits
                                                               D)  adhere
               B)  remains
                                                               E)  convert
               C)  debates
               D)  demands
               E)  reviews

           2.   Mobile peoples, including hunter-gatherers, had     5.   For more than a hundred years, physicists have
               few possessions generally; agricultural and     known that when some elements are heated until
               ---- communities, on the other hand, made use   they glow, they ---- a pattern of coloured lines that
               of a great number of items such as pottery and   can be examined through a spectroscope.
                                                               A)  take after
               A)  industrious                                 B)  give off
               B)  migratory                                   C)  break in
               C)  dependent                                   D)  get out
               D)  adaptable                                   E)  set on
               E)  sedentary

           3.   The intensity of Van Gogh’s vision, his amazing   6.   In premodern and modern societies alike, the
               sense of colour, and the extraordinary boldness   family ---- as the most fundamental unit of social
               of his technique resulted in masterpieces that ----   organisation, which ---- critical functions such as
               influenced twentieth-century art.               the protection and socialisation of children.

               A)  marginally                                  A)  is regarded / is carrying out
               B)  allegedly                                   B)  had been regarded / carried out
               C)  adversely                                   C)  was regarded / was carrying out
               D)  obscurely                                   D)  has been regarded / carries out
               E)  profoundly                                  E)  is being regarded / has carried out

           12. SINIF                                   11                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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