P. 14
9. Dental services did not appear to be a(n) _______ for the 13. During the space race period in the 1950s, parallel
army in the beginning, but the increasing dental problems research programmes in the area of rocket science were
of the soldiers increased the need for dentists over time. _______ in both the United States and the Soviet Union.
A) priority A) come down
B) commodity B) turned up
C) misuse C) passed down
D) impairment D) carried out
E) manifestation E) left out
10. After receiving permission from the Ministry of Education 14. Despite the difficulties that they had to _______ in their
in October, a group of enthusiastic teachers who have early years of business life, most of the outstanding
converted a minibus into a ‘travelling library’ will ______ entrepreneurs of today were able to become successful
to make their dream come true by reaching most of the in the following years.
villages without a library.
A) go through
A) set off B) come round
B) come across C) look through
C) bring about D) check in
D) turn into E) see off
E) drop by
11. Known as Indians, _______ people in the United States 15. Due to the failure of the tender, the board of directors
have lost nearly 99 per cent of the land their ancestors _______ the manager to resign.
historically owned since Europeans set foot on the A) spoke up
B) told off
A) primary
C) called for
B) indigenous
D) counted on
C) innate
E) let off
D) commercial
E) proportional
12. References should be numbered _______ in the order 16. Insurance companies prepare detailed status reports
they are cited in the article, and they should be included before making payments to _______ their customers for
on a separate page at the end. their losses.
A) approximately A) compensate
B) considerately B) reproach
C) predominantly C) import
D) sparklingly D) captivate
E) consecutively E) overbid