P. 13

3.  Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks.   Tapescript 2.1.1
              1   Olive:  Which one would you rather ...........  at the moment? Go diving or go swimming?
                  Nancy:  None of them! I would rather ……………..  on the sunbed.
              2   I would prefer …...…….  pasta with cheese with my friends this evening rather than ….....… at a
                  luxury restaurant.
              3   My wife likes ………....…  by the seaside better  than……….....… to the gym.

              4   l ………...... vegetables to meat.
              5   l would rather………….. a historical movie than a horror movie.
              6   l prefer …………..... to rock music to ……………... to rap music.

          4.  Talk about the differences of your past and present abilities with your friends.
              e.g.  l couldn’t  even use a hammer when l was a little boy but now, l can drive a nail properly.

          5.  Fill in the blanks with would rather, prefer, would prefer.
              1   They ………....… making a snowman to having a snowball fight.

              2   I ………............. you swam. It really keeps you fit.
              3   Tommy ………............. play chess than checkers. It’s more fun.

              4   Does he ………........... cooking or ironing?
              5   I ………........... my brothers tidied their rooms more often.
              6   ………...... you ………...... your daughter study maths or art?

         6.  Write about your likes and dislikes using the given structures.

             •   I like ............. / I don’t like .............
             •   I’m keen on ............. / I’m not keen on .............
             •   I can’t stand .............
             •   I’m gifted in ............. / I’m not gifted in .............

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