Page 13 - English 10 | Activity Book-1
P. 13


                CROSSWORD PUZZLE                    MATCHING                         MULTIPLE CHOICE

               ACROSS:                                1 -  C       6 -  H            1   -  D
               2 - focus                              2 -  J       7 -  I            2   -  B

               4 - motto                                           8 -  A
               5 - cooperate                          3 -  E                         3   -  A
               8 - deadline                           4 -  D       9 -  F            4   -  C
               9 - achieve                            5 -  B       10 - G            5   -  E

               1 - dormitory                                         FILL IN THE BLANKS
               3 - improve                            1 - Study habits          6 - Revise
               6 - evaluate                           2 - Piece of cake         7 - Group work

               7 - cope
                                                      3 - Library               8 - Better scores
               10 - chat
                                                      4 - Compulsory            9 - I believe
               KEYWORD: Respect
                                                      5 - Important points
                                                                  18.10.2021 14:58      Criss Cross Puzzle | Discovery Education Puzzlemaker
                                                                                        Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create
                                                                                        and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your
                                                                         CROSSWORD PUZZLE
                                                                                        own word lists.
                             READING ACTIVITY                       Do the puzzle and  nd the keyword.
                Answer Key:
                1 - Because school life helps us to understand
                the basic concepts of life.
                2 - Phase- period
        18.10.2021 14:52                                            H dden Message Puzzle | D scovery Educat on Puzzlemaker
                Good conduct- good behaviour
                Fondly- passionately
                                                                      Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create
                3 - No, we shouldn’t. Because mistakes and            and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your

                failures are the best teachers.                       own word lists.     Keyword: RESPECT
              School Life                                            ACROSS     FUN TIME
                                                                     4. slogan
                                                                     5. a large building where students live in a boarding school or university
                                                                     6. time limit
                                                                     8. deal with something successfully
                                                                     10. reach, ful¦ll
                                                               Look at the shape you get when you dot. Is it a full
                                                                     1. talk
                                                                     2. assess, value
                                                               wheel or is it kind of a curve / trapezoid?
                                                                     3. debate
                                                                     7. develop
                                                               •   If you have a full wheel, it means you are really
                                                                     9. concentrate on something
                                                                  satisfied with your school life and feel full of
                                                                    Use the clues to fill in the words above.
                                                                    Words can go across or down.
                                                                    Letters are shared when the words intersect.
                                                               •   If you have a curve or trapezoid, identify which
                                                                    10 of 10 words placed.
                                                                  areas have the least scores and you can take
                                                                  notes if you want. Then, you have two ways to
                                                                  increase these scores;
                                                               a. you can ask for help to your advisory teacher /
                                                               b. you can start to think about what possibilities
                                                               there are to increase the scores you gave to these
                                                               areas. Make a list and just do it!
               Hidden message: STICK TO THE TIMETABLE
              accomodation        avoid         compulsory
              consult             elective      enthusiastic                                                    13
              examination         exchange      extracurricular
              information         obey          score

              skip                socialize     worried

              ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   ___ ___   ___ ___

              ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

              This puzzle is a word search puzzle that has a hidden message in it.

              First ¦nd all the words in the list.
              Words can go in any direction and share letters as well as cross over each other.
              Once you ¦nd all the words. Copy the unused letters starting in the top left corner into the blanks to reveal the hidden message.

              15 of 15 words placed.

                                                     Copyright © 2021 Discovery Education. All rights reserved.

        https://puzzlemaker.d scoveryeducat dden-message/result                                                                             1/1
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