Page 13 - English 9 | Activity Book-1
P. 13

Crossword Puzzle

         Do the puzzle about the jobs and find the keyword

                                               ACROSS       DOWN

                                     3. He takes photos.    1. He fixes sinks in bathrooms.

                               5. He cooks in restaurants.  2. He puts out fire.

                             8. She takes care of children.  4. She teaches at school.

                        10. She serves food in restaurants.  6. He paints houses.

                                  11. He works in a court.  7. He fixes cars.

                         12. He plays musical instruments.  9. He distributes letters.


                                            1                 2                 3                 4                5                6               7

                                                  ENGLISH-9                                                     13
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18