Page 12 - English 10 | Activity Book 3-4
P. 12

Multiple Choice

        Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks for      Choose the correct form of ‘conquer’ to complete the
        questions 1-3.                                          sentence.

         1.  We owe much to our ____________ because they changed   5.  The _________ of Constantinople is one of the turning
           the course of history in Dardanelles battle by fighting   points in world history.
           with their all-family members.

                                                                   A)  conqueror
            A)  statesmen                                          B)  conquering
            B)  ancestors                                          C)  conquest
            C)  champions                                          D)  conquered
            D)  artillerymen                                       E)  conquerable
            E)  fleets

                                                               6.  Which of the following word  cannot be the
         2.  Thanks to the updated global Paralympic education    characteristics of a legendary figure?
           toolkit I’m POSSIBLE, many ____________ athlete stories
           have been spread around the world.                      A)  determined
                                                                   B)  ambitious
            A)  unimpressive                                       C)  genius
            B)  defensive                                          D)  courageous
            C)  independent                                        E)  quitted
            D)  outstanding
            E)  ordinary                                       Read the dialogue and complete the sentence.

            Choose the correct form of “preserve” to complete   7.  Anchorman: Whom did you throw the first punch in
            the sentence.                                         your career?

         3.  The _______________ of cultural heritage including cultural   Busenaz Sürmeneli:  Well, I threw the first punch
           sites, old buildings, monuments, and landmarks is      towards my dreams.
           important because it defines our identity as a people.
                                                               According to the dialogue, Busenaz Sürmeneli made
            A)  preservable                                    history because she …………………….. .
            B)  preserved                                          A)  sat around and wait for her dreams come true
            C)  preservably                                        B)  gave up at the first sign of trouble
            D)  preserver                                          C)  had a vision
            E)  preservation
                                                                   D)  was fearful
                                                                   E)  lost her hope
        Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
                                                               Find the synonym of the italic idiom in the options.
        4.  When many notable figures around the world _______   8.  ‘’ Yesterday I boiled with rage because a man didn’t

            the death of bodybuilding legend Dave Draper, they     notice me while I was waiting in the queue at the
            ______ shocked.                                        market, and he paid earlier than me.’’

            A)  were hearing / were                                A)  very angry
            B)  heard / being                                      B)  very happy
            C)  were hearing / was                                 C)  very funny
            D)  heard / were                                       D)  very friendly
            E)  were heard / were                                  E)  very famous

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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