Page 26 - English 11 | Activity Book 3-4
P. 26

Answer Key

                                             Skill-based Activity

              1       1. when Steve came           3. was working from          5. was cooking
                      2. was going                 4. while Peter was

              2       1. the arrival of the guests               3. death
                      2. flight                                  4. invention of the gramphone

              3       1. after we had (had) lunch                3. until they had waited
                      2. closed by the time                      4. hadn't taken a compass
              4       People you know: 2, 5, 7     Things you like: 1, 3, 6, 8  Places you go: 4, 9

              5        Students' own stories

                                                     Fun Time              (Suggested)      GROUP A

            1. Washing machine                              4. Tap
            People used to wash their clothes with their hands.  People used to get water from wells, rivers or fountains.
            2. Computer                                     5. Remote control
            People didn’t use to store data easily.         People used to change the channels with their hands.
            3. Tractor                                      6. Social media networking
            People used to carry their harvest with horses and  People used to keep in touch with their friends face to
            camels.                                         face.

                                                     Fun Time              (Suggested)      GROUP B

            1. Automobile                                   4. Compass
             People used to ride horses or camels to far distances.  People didn’t use to sail overseas.
            2. Dish washer                                  5. Light bulb
            People used to wash the dishes with their hands.  People used to light candles in the evenings.
            3. Wheel                                        6. The Internet
             People used to walk to far distances or carry heavy  People didn’t use to do online shopping or pay their bills
            things on their shoulders.                      online

                                                Structured Grid

             1         1     9     8

             2         1     6     2     8

             3         1     5     3     8

             4         7     1     5     3     8

             5         1     4     9     8

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    26 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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