Page 17 - English12 | Activity Book 5
P. 17

Answer Key


                   1. H       2. C      3. E       4. B       5. A      6. G       7. D       8. F

                                                    Gap Filling

                        1. I suggest you                           4. How about

               A        2. Why don’t we / Shall we                 5. Why don’t we / Shall we

                        3. I suggest that                          6. Let’s

                        1. Yeah! Go and change your clothes. We’ll celebrate it out.
                        2. Don’t worry! Believe in yourself. We’ve prepared well enough.

               B        3. First, calm down! And then, I’ll do my best to help you solve the problem with them.
                        4. We’ll make a study plan right now. But, don’t forget to stick to it.
                          Extra: Chill out! Let’s go out and drink coffee.

                                                Multiple Choice

                   1. B           2. E          3. A          4. A           5. D          6. D
                   7. D           8. B          9. E          10. C          11. C         12. A

                                               Reading Activity

              B                              C       3                      D

                    1. Emotional invalidation is paying no attention, denying, criticizing or refusing another person’s

              E       feelings.
                    2. Students’ own answers.
                    3. Forcing a positive attitude on yourself although your feelings are the opposite.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     17 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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