Page 13 - English 9 | Activity Book 5
P. 13

Reading Activity

         2 C Fill in the gaps with generous, outgoing, supportive, funny, patient, shy, reliable, helpful and thoughtful.

          1.  Terry is a(n) very ------------ person. Whenever I ask him about Maths problems, he explains me more than once.

          2.  Mary is a(n) very ------------ person. When I have problems, she listens to me. She never judges me.

          3.  Rabia is a(n) ------------ and ------------ person. She is not talkative. She feels discomfort when she meets new

             situations, but she considers other people’s feelings more than herself.

          4.  Richard is always energetic. He finds it easy and enjoyable to be with others, and he likes making jokes as well, so
             he is a very ------------ and ------------ person.

          5.  Ahmet is a(n) very------------ person. He never tells his friends’ secrets.

          6.  Jennifer likes sharing and giving presents to others, so she is a ------------ person.

        2 D Complete the dialogue with the words in brackets.

          Sandra: What 1. ___________________ (you / do) now?

          Alice: Why 2. ___________________ (you /ask)?

          Sandra: 3. ___________________ (I / do) my Italian homework and I have got some problems about tenses. And
                    4. ___________________ (I /have) a test on Tuesday.

          Alice:   Oh dear, ask Tom. 5. ___________________ (He /learn ) Italian this year and 6. ___________________ (he / not do) anything
                 important at the moment. It is not possible for me to help you as I don't have time. 7. ___________________ (I /go) out
                 in half an hour.

          Sandra: OK. I'll ask him.

         2 E Write the expressions below into the correct category.

                     I agree with you.         I don’t agree with you.      I totally agree with you.
                     I couldn’t agree more.     I totally disagree.         I’m afraid, I disagree.

                               AGREEING                                         DISAGREEING

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH-9
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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