Page 13 - English 11 | Activity Book 9
P. 13

Fun Time

             Work in pairs. Take turns using this quiz to interview each other. Then score your
            answers and write a summary about your partner using adjectives.

                                                    Personality Quiz

                                                                     If you compare your goals with your friend’s
                 When you work on a big project, do you …            goals, do you …
             1   A) try to finish it as quickly as possible?         A) set out to do much better than they might?
                 B) work at it over a long period of time?       8   B) hope that you and they can achieve similar
                 C) put off finishing it as long as possible?          things in life?
                                                                     C) not care if they set higher goals for themselves
                                                                       than you?
                 When you do something, do you …
                 A) try to do a first-class job so people will notice?
             2   B) do it as well as you can without worrying too    When people are late for appointments, do you …

                    much about it?                               9   A) get angry and stressed out?
                 C) put off finishing it as long as possible?        B) remember that you’re sometimes late, too?
                                                                     C) not worry, because you are usually late, too?

                 When faced with a difficult challenge, do you …
                                                                     When people are talking to you, do you …
             3   A) look forward to facing it?
                 B) worry about whether you can deal with it?        A) not listen and think about other things?
                 C) avoid it, if at all possible?               10   B) listen and enter into the conversation?
                                                                     C) let them take over and agree with everything
                                                                       they say?
                 Do you think the best way to get the most out of
                 a day is to …                                       When people are expressing their ideas and
             4   A) do as many things as possible?                   opinions, do you …

                 B) take your time to get things done?           11  A) step in and give your own opinions?
                 C) do only those things you really have to?         B) listen and sometimes share your own ideas?

                                                                     C) listen but not add your own opinions?
                 When something needs to be done, do you …

             5   A) decide to do it yourself?                                      SCORE
                 B) work with others to do it?
                 C) offer to do it only if no one else will?

                                                                  Count up how many A, B, and C answers your

                 When something doesn’t work out the way you      partner has. If there are more … answers
                 want it to, do you …                              A: This person is a highflier.
             6   A) get angry with yourself and others?            B: This person is the cool and steady type.

                 B) think calmly about what to do?                 C: This person is the easy-going or carefree type.
                 C) give up because it wasn’t important anyway?

                 When people take a long time to get something
                 done, do you …                                   Brian is a highflier. He is the kind of person who is very
             7   A) get impatient and take over?                  ambitious and competitive. He always does the best
                 B) gently encourage them to get it done?         projects, and his marks are always high.
                 C) let them take their time?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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