Page 17 - English 11 | Activity Book 10
P. 17

Answer Key


             1       1. I     2. E    3. J     4. G    5. B     6. H    7. D     8. F     9. A    10. C

             2       A. 2      B. 7     C. 6      D. 4     E. 1      F. 3     G. 5      H. 9     I. 8

                                                    Gap Filling

                                                   1. Debra / Anna             5. neither / nor does
                   A. but also  D. not only
             A     B.  both    E. nor         B    2. Steve and Debra          6. Not only does / values lifestyle
                                                   3. Both Anna
                                                                               7.  Both
                   C. Either ... or F. Both … and
                                                   4. flexibility and openness  8. doesn’t value / neither / nor does
             C        Students' own answers

                    1. Both Tanya and Beth enjoy horseback riding.  3. Not only the leopard but also the tiger faces extinction.
                    2. Neither Arthur nor Ricardo is in class today.  4. We could either fly or take the train.

                             Asking for Opinions       Expressing Opinions       Agreeing/Disagreeing
                          a    g    j    h         m     o    d    b    l     c   f   k   e    i  n

             F        Students' own answers

                                                Multiple Choice

                   1. B         2. A        3. E        4. D        5. B         6. E        7. A

                   8. C         9. C        10. D       11. A       12. E        13. D

                                               Reading Activity

             A        Students' own answers                       B       Students' own answers

             C      1. enact          2. applicable    3. pertain        4. mutually      5. curriculum

                    1.  Students and instructional team members.
                    2.  Students who collaborate to create class standards are more likely to have a sense of ownership,
                       participate in class, and form mutually respectful and cooperative relationships.
             D         Students and instructional team members working together to develop and implement norms
                       transfer part of the duty for supporting and encouraging socially responsible interactions from the
                       instructor to the students.
                       It ensures that students understand the expectations of the classroom community and gives them
                       the motivation to monitor and alter their own conduct.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     17 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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