Page 8 - English 10 | Games and Activities-3
P. 8


                             F1  Describing past activities and events
         10 GRADE            F2  Talking about sequential actions
                             F3  Describing characters and settings in an event in the past
             5   Parts of the Day

          The activity aims to have students talk about sequential past actions by using different sequencers. It
          also makes it possible for students to improve their listening and speaking skills through a collaborative

          Materials and Preparation
          Strips of paper provided on page 75
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies the strips of paper, cuts out them along the dotted lines and
          puts each one facing down on the table.

          1  Put students into groups of five.
          2  Let each group choose a representative.
          3  Then, ask each representative to come to the table in turns and pick a strip of paper with a part of
             the day on.
          4  Assign each group member (including the representative) a sequencer to use at the beginning of
             their sentences. Student A (the representative) starts the chain with the sequencer “First”, Student
             B goes on with “Then”, Student C with “Next”, Student D with “After that” and Student E ends it with
          5  Tell students that they are going to make sentences related to the part of the day on the strip
             they have picked using the sequencers (first, then, next, after that, finally) and create a series of
             sequential actions.

                 mid afternoon (3:00 p.m.) – late afternoon (5:00 p.m.)

             Student A  First, I went to the gym in our neighborhood.
             Student B  Then, I took some exercise.
             Student C  Next, I had a shower.
             Student D  After that, I had a chat with my friends.
             Student E  Finally, I got back home.
          6  When the time is up, have the groups share their chains with the class.

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13