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                         4 This Is My Country (2)                                             10 GRADE

             Tourist Attractions in Turkey

                     1- Nevşehir                    2- Denizli                  3- Çanakkale

                                           You will marvel at one of the best
                                           preserved spectacular geographical
                                           nature; Pamukkale (Hierapolis)
             When you visit this city, don’t   in  Denizli.  Pamukkale  has  snow-
             miss a hot-air balloon ride over   white calcified rock plateaus with   If you are into historical attractions,
             Cappadocia. It is an awesome   hot springs. It has one of the most   visit the legendary battlegrounds of
             and unique experience to enjoy   magnificent panoramas in the world.   Gallipoli in Çanakkale. You should
             wonderful scenery over fairy   If you want to relax, don’t miss to   discover the ruins of Troy, which is
             chimneys, mountains and valleys.   visit the Güney Waterfall. It is a gifted   famous for hosting a well-known
             Remember to visit Zelve Open-Air   natural waterfall falling from a height   ten-year war in history. Don’t miss
             Museum, which spreads over three   of 20 meters. Enjoy fresh air together   the Anzac Cove in Gallipoli Peninsula.
             mountain valleys. It is one of the   with a marvelous view in the area.  The cove is renowned for the site of
             best examples of Cappadocian                                 World War I in 1915, and it has an
             structures.                                                  amazing beach for swimming.

                           4- İstanbul                                   5- Adıyaman

                                                      The city boasts several mesmerizing historical ruins such as
                                                      the Pirin Ruins, the Cendere Bridge and Mount Nemrut. You
                                                      can see many interesting graves in the Pirin Ruins.
                                                      Mount Nemrut is famous for its highest rocky peak. There
                                                      are many extraordinary monuments of kings on the top of
             You can experience three world-famous    the mountain. The scenery from the top is beautiful, and it
             attractions if you buy a combination ticket for   is an excellent spot to admire both the sunrise and sunset.
             the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque, the Topkapi   As a next stop, visit the impressive and well-restored Roman
             Palace and the Basilica Cistern. These are among   arch bridge called Cendere. It is a popular place with couples
             the most beautiful cultural highlights in the world.   to hold a wedding ceremony. When you are in the city center,
             You could also have a Bosphorus cruise, visit local   you should definitely taste the traditional meals of the city and
             bazaars and join a walking tour of local markets   watch Anatolian folk dance performance specific to the area.
             in İstanbul.

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