Page 33 - English 10 | Games and Activities-8
P. 33


                      10 Read and Find                                                       10 GRADE

              Reading Text

           Yesterday was a really difficult day for me. I overslept because I had forgotten to set the alarm clock.
           As soon as I got up and realized that I was late, I got dressed quickly and left home in a hurry, without
           having breakfast. I got a cup of coffee to have while walking to work, but I spilt it on my shirt. Therefore,
           I had to run back home to change it. I had already wasted a lot of time.
           As I arrived at work late, my manager was angry. I apologized for being late and started working. Then,
           I went to a restaurant for lunch with my colleagues. In the afternoon, I couldn’t finish my reports, so
           I had to leave the office late. Because I left late, I missed the last bus to my neighborhood, so I had to
           call a taxi. Just as I was getting out of the taxi, I noticed that I had forgotten my wallet in the office. I
           called one of my neighbors and asked to pay for me. Luckily, he came and paid for me. I thanked him
           as he did not turn me down. I suffered all these mishaps just because I had forgotten to set the alarm
           clock. Ever since that day, setting the alarm clock before going to bed has been one of my priorities
           in everyday life.

             What happened? (Effects)                     Why did it happen? (Causes)

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