Page 18 - English 11 | Games and Activities-1
P. 18


                         1 In the Future ...                                             11 GRADE
                B      O      A       R      D               G      A      M       E

                                          What are your goals   What inventions will   What will you be   Move forward 5
                                          for next school year?  we see in 100 years?  doing in 10 years?  spaces!

                                          Will robots rule the                       What will fashion be
                                          world in the future?                       like 200 years later?

                                                                       What are you doing   What will your life
                                           Sorry! Go back to           next weekend?  be like when you
                                           the start!                                are old?

             How will video               What are your plans          What will be the
             games change in 20           for higher education?        energy sources of
             years?                                                    the future?

             What are your plans          How will your life
             for this summer?             change in three                Miss a turn!

             Which countries will         What house chores            How will social
             you visit in 10 years?       are you doing this           media affect future
                                          week?                        generations?

             What are your                                             Will humans colonize
             goals for                       Miss a turn!              Mars?

                                                                       What will  future be   What are your plans
                                          What will be the
              Oops! Go back                                            like in 2521?  after school?
              2 spaces!
                                          problems in 50 years?
             What will education   Will life be easier or   How will
             be like in the future?  more difficult for your   transportation
                            children? How?  change in the future?

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