Page 17 - English12 | Activity book-2
P. 17


                       7   Tricky Riddles                                                    12 GRADE

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                A man lives on the 12  floor.                Jerry’s mom had 4 kids and the
               He goes to work every day and                   first boy’s name was Brown
               takes the elevator down for it.                 because he had brown eyes.
               When he comes back, he goes                     The second boy’s name was
              up to the 6  floor and takes the                 Black because he had black
               stairs to the 12 . However, on                eyes, and the third boy’s name
               rainy days he goes up with the                was Blue because he had blue
               elevator to the 12 . Why does                eyes. What was the fourth boy’s
                       the man do that?                                    name?

                                3                            Simon and Sally were sitting in
                 Mr. Smith and his son were                   their family room one night.
               riding in the car one night and                 While Simon was watching
              they had an accident. Mr. Smith                 TV, his wife Sally was reading
               died instantly and his son was                  a book. All of a sudden, the
              rushed to the hospital. When he                electricity went out and Simon
              got there, the old doctor said, “I             decided to go to bed, but Sally
               can’t operate on him, he is my                 kept on reading. With no use
                son.” Who is the old doctor?                 of artificial light, Sally kept on
                                                                       reading. How?


              There was a wise king who had
               two sons. He wanted to make                                    6
                sure his two sons would not                    A mother gave birth to twin
               fight over his fortune when he                  boys, but they were born in
                was gone. What did the king                 different years and on different
                write in his will to ensure his              days. The boys are not part of 2
                 two sons would split up his                 sets. How can this be possible?
                        fortune fairly?

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