Page 23 - English 9 | Games and Activities-1
P. 23
10 Pick Up and Tell 9 GRADE
My brother wants those I don’t have one, so Kate Let me sit here. It is
books back. They are will give me umbrella. chair.
Jason and Bran are so I think Ryan has taken
excited! This i first It’s not money. We phone charger. I can’t find
project. have found it on the floor. it.
I will post laptop to my Can you throw it back to Hey, it’s wallet! I lost it
sister. She forgot to take it us? It is ball. two days ago.
with her.
My sister and I are so The children in the
I’ll go and help Mary. She
happy! parents will playground are playing with can’t find classroom.
visit us this weekend. toys.
Mandy, I like new My dog always hides Her cat is very beautiful
haircut! Who is that bone under the armchair. with black fur and
talented coiffeur? green eyes.