Page 17 - English 9 | Games and Activities-10
P. 17


                       3 Predictions about the Immediate Future                              9 GRADE
                      EVIDENCE CARDS                                 PREDICTION CARDS

              Dan had an           Frank and Julie
           accident with the      are carrying their        His boss is going      They’re going to
             company car.           instruments.              to get angry.         give a concert.

           I didn’t put on any    Jill is ahead of all      I’m going to get
               sun cream.         the other players.       very bad sunburn.     She’s going to win.

            Larry is outside
               without an          My car doesn’t           He’s going to get      I’m going to be
           umbrella, and it’s            start.                    wet.             late for work.

            My sister misses      Sarah and Jessica
              most of her         are terribly tired.      She’s going to fail     They’re going to
                                                                                      fall asleep.
                                                               the exam.

               The chair is
              shaking, and        The atmospheric
           Diego is sitting on  pressure is falling.        He’s going to fall.   It’s going to snow.

              The boys are
            putting on their      The computer is           They’re going to      It’s going to crash.
                                                                go skiing.
                                  acting strangely.

              The plane is        The ship is full of
             coming down.               water.              It’s going to land.   It’s going to sink.

            The skater isn’t
           looking where he        The sky is clear.        He’s going to hit      It’s going to be a
                                                                the trees.
                                                                                       nice day.
                is going.

                                   There is a fake           She’s going to
             The waitress is        snake on Joe’s           drop all those         He’s going to
          carrying too much.                                                           scream.
                                      shoulder.                  plates.

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