Page 13 - English 9 | Games and Activities-2
P. 13

9 GRADE                     Answer Keys & Audio Scripts
           Answer Key

           10 Time to Read! (A)
              Home Sweet Home!
              I live in a small flat in İstanbul, but it is big enough for me and my dog, Tom. There are four rooms
              in the house; a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a small bathroom. I don’t have a garden.
              Luckily, there is enough space for my flowers and my coffee table on the balcony. I love having a
              cup of coffee there after work.
              I love my neighbourhood. It is only five minutes from my flat to the city centre. It is quite noisy
              and crowded, but I have some reasons to live here. First of all, the subway station is opposite my
              home. Getting from my place to anywhere in İstanbul by subway is considerably faster than all
              other options. One of the other good things about living in the city centre is it is easy to access
              shops. There is a bakery next to my apartment building. They make delicious pastries and bread.
              Opposite it, there is a kiosk. I buy a newspaper from that kiosk every morning. The market is
              between the kiosk and the pharmacy. Finally, there is a park at the end of the street. It is a
              peaceful place to read your book, walk your dog or sit and relax.

           Answer Key

           10 Time to Read! (B)
              1  She lives with her dog, Tom.
              2  The balcony is not big. It is small.
              3  Because it is considerably faster than all other options.
              4  It is quite noisy and crowded.
              5  it is easy to access shops and public transport.

           Answer Key

           11 Reading

           Audio Script 2

           8 Finding Locations on the Map
             I would like to tell you about the facilities and buildings located on our campus. Well, let’s begin our tour
             at the main entrance. The first building on the right corner, opposite the ATMs, is the library. It is one
             of the most used facilities by the students. In our library, you can find many digital sources like ebooks,
             audios, videos and articles to improve your learning experience. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the
             campus for the students and the faculty members. There are several artworks all around the campus
             such as sculptures and paintings. If you walk through College Road, you will see the huge sculpture
             made from plastic bottles in the middle of the roundabout. The university main building is on the
             corner of College Road and Michelangelo Road on your right across the theatre building. As you can
             see, there is a swimming pool and a big park in the west of the campus with a restaurant to the east
             of it. You can sit and relax in the park or enjoy delicious food in the restaurant on Bellini Road. On the
             opposite side, there is a Music Café between the theatre and the Faculty of Arts. You can listen to live
             music performances of the students while drinking your coffee there. Our dormitory building is at the
             end of College Road, near the park. Finally, when you cross the crosswalk, you will see the bus stop in
             front of the Faculty of Music.
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