Page 19 - English 9 | Games and Activities-3
P. 19


                       8 Lovely Weekend (1)                                                  9 GRADE

                                               Situation Cards

                                1                                             2

                  It’s weekend, and the                      You go out for cycling, but
             weather is warm. You want                      your bike’s pedal is broken.

              to go out for cycling. Invite                         Suggest another
                your friends to a place.                              sport/activity.

                                3                                             4

              Suddenly, it starts raining                   You are tired of sitting and
              when you are out. Go back                      doing origami. Suggest an

             to the house and suggest an                       indoor activity for fun.
                      indoor activity.

                                5                                             6

              You check theatres online                      The sun is shining and the

                and see you are late for                     weather is hot. Invite your
              the movie. Suggest visiting                   friends for an activity at the
                        somewhere.                                        seaside.

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