Page 16 - English 9 | Games and Activities-4
P. 16


                       2 The Quiz Game                                                       9 GRADE
                                                FLASH CARDS

                        1                              2                              3

            an extremely large wave          a large amount of ice,         It occurs when gases
            in the sea, often caused         snow, and rock falling            and molten rock
             by an earthquake, that        quickly down the side of         called magma rise to
               flows onto the land                a mountain                 the surface and flow
                                                                            or erupt onto Earth’s

                        4                              5                              6

                a sudden, violent            a long period of time            a large hole in the
             shaking of the ground           when there is little or        ground that has been
             caused by the shifting                 no rain                 formed naturally, for
              of rocks beneath the                                         example by water that
                 Earth’s surface                                             has fallen as rain or
                                                                           when caves, mines, etc.

                        7                              8                              9

                a strong wind in a            a mass of earth and          a rising and overflowing
               desert area, which            rock falling down the           of a stream, river or
              carries sand through          slope of a mountain or           other body of water
                      the air                        a cliff              especially onto normally
                                                                                   dry land

                       10                             11                             12

               an extremely large,
                  powerful, and               an uncontrolled fire          a storm with thunder,
                destructive storm             that spreads quickly         lightning and heavy rain
                that has a circular        and burns natural areas
              movement, especially          like woods, forests, etc.
             in the western Atlantic

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