Page 116 - Summer School | A1 - A2
P. 116


            I’m Matt. This is my family. My grandfather’s name is Jack. He’s a retired policeman. He’s 70 years old. My grandmother,
            Lucy is a housewife. She’s 66 years old. My father’s name is Jordan. He’s 40 years old. He’s a lawyer in a company. My
            mother, Julia is 40, too. She’s a journalist. She works for a famous newspaper. I’ve got a sister. Her name is April. She is
            a student at a secondary school. She’s 14. She is sociable. We are siblings and good friends at the same time. I’ve got an
            aunt. Her name is Sue. She is 34. She’s a vet. She’s married to Adrian. He’s Mexican. He can speak English and Spanish.
            He’s an interpreter. They've got twin daughters. Their names are Aida and Alma. They’re Spanish names. They’re 2
            years old. My cousins are very cute. I love them.


            Dialogue 1
            Cem: Excuse me! How can I get to the _____? Ben: Go along the street. Turn left. Go ahead. It’s opposite the block of
            flats. Cem: You mean the apartment building. Ben: Yes. It is opposite the apartment building. Cem: Thank you. Ben:
            You’re welcome.
            Dialogue 2
            Carl: Excuse me! Is there a ______ near here? Dennis: Yes. Go along the street. Take the first turning on the right. It’s on
            your right next to the Fitness Club. Carl: Thanks. Dennis: It’s OK.
            Dialogue 3
             Joe: Excuse me! Could you tell me where the ________ is? Sandra: Go straight ahead. Turn left. Walk along the street.
            Then turn right. Take the third turning on the right. It’s near the Chemist’s behind the Hospital. Joe: Thank you.
            Sandra: No problem.


            Anna: I love summer and spending time on the beach. I need wind and equipment for my hobby. Nicolas: I really like
            nature. When I go somewhere, I always take my camera. Everybody likes my pictures about nature. Zoe: I’m interested
            in flowers and growing vegetables. Especially at weekends I spend time in the garden.


            My name is Joe Black. I’m a receptionist at a vet. I work in an office. I get up at 7 in the morning. Then I wash my face
            and I brush my teeth every day. After that, I take a shower. I don't have time for a big breakfast. I have a snack. I
            usually drink fruit juice and eat a sandwich. Then I get dressed. I leave home at 8:30. I drive to work. My work starts
            at 9 o’clock. I usually help the vet when he examines the animals. I leave work at 5 o'clock. I arrive home at 6 o’ clock.
            I have dinner at 7 o’clock. I watch television at night. I go to bed at ten.

            THEME 5 TRAVELLING

            1.  Hi, everyone. Today, l’m Emily, speaking from Ottawa, Canada! I live in the city centre. The streets are usually busy
            at this time of the day, but today they are empty because it’s snowing. Some cars are trying to move forward, but
            it is very difficult. 2. I am in Russian Bazaar in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. We are shopping in the bazaar. It’s almost 45
            °C degrees. That’s a disaster. I need to buy a lot of things, but my little daughter wants to go back home because of
            the weather. 3. I’m driving on a motorway in Santa Maria, Spain. I’m trying to go to Madrid. My wife is waiting for
            me there. It’s very difficult to see my way on the road. There is fog everywhere. I can’t see anything in ten meters. I
            think I must stop over at the first petrol station on the motorway. 4. We are walking on a footpath. This is my second
            experience of trekking in Dublin, Ireland. It’s raining cats and dogs, but we aren’t carrying our umbrellas. Normally it
            doesn’t rain at this time of year.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    116 ENGLISH A1 - A2
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121