Page 15 - Summer School | A1 - A2
P. 15

Let's Have Fun


            Ball Game (Throw an object to a named person)

            Activity:                                                                                               THEME-2

             • All the participants of the group stand in a circle.

             • One of the students is chosen as a leader. The leader student takes the ball, says his / her name by finding an
          adjective that starts with the first letter of his / her name. For example: Effective Elif, Lucky Lucy, Big Bob, etc.

             • Next, the leader student throws the ball to any student he / she chooses whose name he / she says beforehand.
             • Then, the student catches the ball, says his / her own name and adjective and throws the ball to somebody

          who has not had a turn also by saying the name of this student yet. In doing this, everyone pays attention to
          who throws him / her the ball and to whom he / she passes it on.

             • When everyone has had a turn, the game is repeated in the same sequence but this time faster. In this way,
          all students learn each other's names permanently.

         Let's Listen

           1. Which words below are the same or similar in your language? Find and circle them.

             bank ◆ chemist’s ◆ block of flats ◆ town hall ◆ library ◆ stadium ◆ café ◆ market ◆ police
             station ◆ park ◆ school ◆ hairdresser's ◆ post office ◆ bookshop ◆ cinema


          2.  Look at the map. Listen to the
              dialogues and find the places.
              Write the names of each place.         Museum           Daisy Street
                                                     Station   Red Street
              Dialogue 1
              Dialogue 2                                                       Car Park
              Dialogue 3                             Building
          3.  Find some words that are British                        High Street
              or American English on the map.
              Then write the words below.                            Petrol Station     Fitness Club  Book
                   UK                  US                                        YOU

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    15 ENGLISH A1 - A2
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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