Page 27 - Summer School | A1 - A2
P. 27

3. What do you like doing most in your spare time?
                  Read the statements in the speech bubbles and underline the free time activities.

                                                                 Onur is a high school student. He’s
                                                                  really into riding a horse. Every
                    Rayan is a student soldier. He is
                                                                  weekend,  he goes rowing  with his
                    sporty, so he can do many things in
                                                                  friends in the river. He doesn’t like
                   his free time. He loves riding a horse
                   and rowing. He really likes hiking with
                                                                   fishing.                                          THEME-3
                  his best friend, too. Fishing or roller
                  skating isn’t very him.

                    Ceren is a hostess. Her favourite                  Sofia is a university student. She’s
                    activities  are  hiking,  roller  skating,         got free time on Sundays. She likes
                    and  riding  a  horse,  but  she  hates            hiking and fishing, but she isn’t fond
                    fishing because she likes animals and              of roller skating or rowing. She’s keen
                    she is a vegetarian.                               on playing the piano.

            4. Read the paragraphs about people’s free time activities. Put a tick for likes and a cross for
                dislikes in the table.

                                             Playing the                                 Riding a
                  Names          Hiking                   Roller skating   Rowing                       Fishing
                                               piano                                      horse

               Sofia               ✓                            X


                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    27 ENGLISH A1 - A2
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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