Page 7 - Summer School | A1 - A2
P. 7

Let's Read                                                                                                  THEME-1

            Read the text and write true (T) or false (F) next to the sentences.

                                                          Hi, I am Mariam. I want to talk about my life.

                                                          I’m a fifteen-year-old British 9  grader. I live

                                                          with my parents in London. My father and my

                                                          mother  are  completely  different  from  each

                                                          other.  My  father,  Elton,  is  a  tall  man  with

                                                          black hair and brown eyes. My mother, Lenny,
        1.  Mariam is a freshman.                 _________
                                                          on the other hand, is a short blonde woman.
        2.  She is from Britain.                          _________
                                                          She has got blue eyes and straight hair. Their
        3.  Her mother’s name is Elton.           _________
                                                          personalities  are  different,  too.  My  mother
        4.  Her mother has black hair.            _________
                                                          is  a  calm  and  cheerful  lady  while  my  father
        5.  Her father is cool.                             _________
                                                          is  quick-tempered  and  excited.  Even  if  they
        6.  Her parents get on well each other.       _________
                                                          are  really  different,  they  have  a  hilarious


        Let's Speak

            Now, it’s your turn. Talk about yourself and your family with your classmates.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     7 ENGLISH A1 - A2
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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