P. 22


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  1. your cousin   2. Students’ own answers  3. Students’ own answers (I ask the way / directions.)
                          b)  1. F           2. D           3. H            4. B           5. C           6. A           7. J           8. E           9. G           10. I
                          c)  1. c           2. b           3. d            4. a
                          d)  1. engineer   2. vet   3. doctor   4. cook   5. florist   6. baker   7. carpenter

                          a)   Ticked Numbers:  2, 3, 6, 8, 10
                          b)   1. Irena   2. Hungary   3. English & German   4. big   5. brother   6. happy & excited
                          c)  a. 5      b. 2       c. 1        d. 3       e. 4
                          d)   a. 1   b. 3   c. 10   d. 2  e. 7   f. 4   g. 9   h. 5   i. 8   j. 6

                          a)  1. am  2. have got  3. have got  4. has got  5. is   6. has got 7. are  8. haven’t got 9. are 10. am 11. is
                          b)  1. has got  2. is   3. has got   4. has got  5. are  6. has got  7. are  8. are  9. have got
                          c)  1. He  2. He  3. He  4. His  5. His  6. His 7. She  8. Her  9. Their 10. They  11. He  12. It  13. We
                          d)  1. c           2. b           3. d            4. a
                          a)           Country     Nationality  Future Job  b) 1. Forbidden City / Imperial Palace (China)
                             Zoe        France       French       Artist       2. The Northern Lights (Norway)
                             Finn     Netherlands    Dutch        Doctor       3. Amsterdam (Netherlands)
                             Sassa     Norway      Norwegian   Psychologist
                             Wei        China       Chinese      Engineer      4. The Eiffel Tower (France)



                              Finn’s mother  Zoe’s father  Wei’s father  Zoe’s mother  Wei’s mother Sassa’s parents  Finn’s father
                          d)  1. There are different types of brushes and paint of different colours.
                             2. Sassa’s parents have got the same job.
                             3. China is mostly well-known for the Great Wall of China.

                                           Cairo                                    Bangkok
                             Country       Egypt                                    Thailand
                             Continent     Africa                                   Asia
                                           Pyramids, The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Egyptian Museum, Old  Temples, museums, parks and shopping
                             Sightseeing places
          Culture Corner                   Cairo, The Nile River                    centres
                             People        friendly                                 friendly, helpful, and kind
                             Language      Arabic                                   Thai
                             Food          Egyptian kabab, kofta, Egyptian baclava, and kunafa  seafood, coconut milk, rice and noodles
                             Climate       hot and dry                              tropical

                                                                                         Multiple Choice

                                                                                  1)  C         2)  E

                                                                                  3)  C         4)  C

                                                                                  5)  A         6)  C
          Fun Page
          Crossword Puzzle
                                                                                  7)  C         8)  E

                                                                                  9)  C         10)  C

                                                                                  11)  C        12)  B

                              Keyword : CHEMIST

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