P. 26



            We use prepositions of place to describe the place of any person, animal, thing, etc.


          There is / There are
          We use there is / there are to say that something exists in a place.
          We use there isn’t / there aren’t to say that something doesn’t exist in a place.
                                          TYPE OF NOUN                   EXAMPLES
                                                                         There is a laptop in my bag.
          There is…                       Countable Singular Noun        There is some cold coffee left in the cup.
                                          Uncountable Nouns
                                                                         There isn’t a tablet PC in my bag.
          There isn’t…
                                                                         There isn’t any coffee at home.
          There are…                                                     There are four people in the room.
                                          Countable Plural Noun
          There aren’t…                                                  There aren’t any managers in the meeting.
          Comparatives and Superlatives
           We use comparatives to compare two people, animals, things, objects, etc.
           We use superlatives to compare more than two people, animals, things, objects, etc. When describing something that
           is at the maximum or lower extent of a quality, we use superlatives.
           Study the chart and make some sentences by using the tips below.
           Number of syllables  Comparative          Example            Superlative            Example
                                             My grandpa is older than my              My father is the oldest person in
           One syllable      “-er than”                               “the .... -est”
                                             grandma.                                 my family.
           One syllable      double consonant                         double consonant  Blue whale is the biggest animal
                                             Antalya is hotter than Artvin.
           vowel+consonant   + “-er than”                             + “the ... -est”  on Earth.
           Two syllables      change “-y” to “-i”                     change “-y” to “-i”   Ece is the happiest member in
                                             English is easier than Maths.
           ending in -y       + “-er than”                            + “the ... -est”  my family.
           Two or more                       A crocodile is more dangerous            My phone is the most expensive
                             “more … than”                            “the most … ”
           syllables                         than a zebra.                            item I have.
          Irregular adjectives                       Example
                                             Living in big cities is better           OGM website is the best site to
           good              “better than”                            “the best”
                                             than living in villages.                 revise English.
                                             The weather is worse than                Being late is my worst behavior. I
           bad               “worse than”                             “the worst”
                                             yesterday.                               hope I can be more punctual.
           far               “farther than”  Hakkari is farther than Malatya.  “the farthest”  The farthest planet is Neptune.

           Asking for directions                                Giving directions
           Excuse me! How do I get to the ... ?                 Go straight ahead.
           Excuse me! Where is the …?                           Go along the street.
           Excuse me! Is there a(n) ... near here?              Turn left / right.
           Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the …?         Take the first / second turning on the right / left.
                                                                Cross the street.
                                                                Go past...
                                                                Go through the park.

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