P. 30


           Culture Corner

          1.                                  2.                                 3.

          4.                                  5.                                 6.

              A hanok is a traditional Korean house. It dates back to the Joseon Dynasty in the 1400s. The hanok house fits in with its
              surroundings, the land, and even the seasons. The perfect hanok house has got a mountain in the back and a river in the front.
              It is a snow house and people live in it during the winter. Before modern, European-style homes, Inuit people all over the Arctic
          2.  used to live in igloos. Igloos are no longer the most common type of home for Inuit people, but they are still a big part of their
              culture. Igloos are still used by hunters and people who need a place to stay in an emergency.

              A yurt is a round, portable home and it is covered with wool or another fabric. A yurt is a type of tent that is strong and reliable.
              It is usually about 6 feet tall, and between 5 and 15 people can live in a yurt.

              Cave houses are famous everywhere. People are still living in those houses because they are also easier to heat and cool in
              summer and winter because they are made of stone. As a result, their temperature doesn’t change.
              Bungalows are small and easy to take care of, so they are great homes for people with disabilities or the elderly. They are also
          5.  good for your wallet. Heating and cooling costs tend to be lower, and the property value stays high. They also offer more privacy
              than most traditional homes because they are low to the ground and trees, bushes, and fences can easily block the windows.

              A house that is less than 600 square feet is called a “Tiny House.” It can be built on-site or on a trailer. When a house is built
          6.  on-site, it can’t be smaller than 200 square feet. When it’s built on a trailer, it can’t be smaller than 160 square feet. It’s becoming
              more popular nowadays.

          Read the information about different types of houses and write True (T) or False (F).

           1. The hanok houses date back to the 15  century.  _______ 4. It’s easy to heat the cave houses.   _______

           2. Igloos are common especially in Africa.   _______ 5. Bungalows are big and suitable for big families.   _______

           3. More than twenty people can live in a yurt.   _______ 6. A tiny house can be smaller than 200 square feet.   _______

          Read the tongue twisters and practise saying them as fast as possible.

               Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
               Spread it thick, say it quick!
               Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
               Spread it thicker, say it quicker!
               Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
               Don’t eat with your mouth full!

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