P. 32


          Multiple Choice

          1.                                                    4.  Choose the correct sentence to complete the text.
                                                                  My town is a great place to live. There are amazing parks
                                                                  and a large lake. ...... and it rings every hour to announce the
                                                                  time. The shopping centre is next to the clock tower. There
                                                                  are lovely bookshops, toy shops and cafes. I really enjoy
                                                                  spending time in the shopping centre with my friends.
                                                                    A)  You can see the amazing skyscrapers in the town
                                                                    B)  There are beautiful cafes near the lakeside
            Answer the question according to the map above.         C)  The town also has got a big swimming pool
            The bank is ...... the supermarket.                     D)  It’s fun to spend time in nature

             A) between                  B) near                    E)  There is also a historic clock tower
             C) next to                  D) in
                                   E) opposite

          2.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.   5.
                                                                    Name     The Grand  The MesenThe Olimpic
            A / An ...... is a place where you can buy medicine.    Star         4          5           2
             A)  grocer’s                                           Price       £        50,00   £        75,00   £        35,00
                                                                    Room        175        320         185
             B)  bakery
             C)  kiosk                                            Answer the question according to the chart above.
             D)  supermarket                                      Which one is not true according to the chart?
             E)  pharmacy                                           A)  The Mesen Hotel is more expensive than the Olimpic Hotel.

                                                                    B)  The Grand Hotel is more comfortable than the Olimpic Hotel.
                                                                    C)  The Grand Hotel is the cheapest of all.
                                                                    D)  The Mesen Hotel is the biggest of all.
                                                                    E)  The Olimpic Hotel is less comfortable than
                                                                       the Mesen Hotel.

          3. Find the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.  6.   The cost of
                                                                   Movie     the movie    Seen by     Awards
           Sandy   : What do you have in your classroom?
                                                                    Scary    3 million $  1,7 million    1
           Becky   :  ...... .                                      Night                  people
                                                                    Black    4,5 million $  1 million    0
             A)  Two wardrobes                                      Sunday                 people
                                                                    Gangs of   3 million $  7 million    4
             B)  A cooker                                           New York               people
                                                                  Which sentence is correct according to the chart?
             C)  A computer
             D)  Three beds                                         A)  Gangs of New York isn’t more popular than Scary Night.
             E)  A cellar                                           B)  Black Sunday is more successful than Scary Night.
                                                                    C)  Gangs of New York costs as expensive as Scary Night.

                                                                    D)  Black Sunday is the most successful movie of all.
                                                                    E)  Scary Night is the least successful of all.

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