P. 37



          a) Study the flyer below and fill in the missing parts of the messages.

                                         Join us and Explore the  …
                 16 September 2023        Ancient City with our  Albert: Nice event in the city.
                                          professional guides
                                                                 Susan: Sure. When is it?
                                                                 Albert: It’s on (1) _________________.

                  Don’t Miss the                                 Susan: Great. What time is the departure?
                  OPPORTUNITY!                                   Albert: Let me take a look… It is at (2) _____
                 ONLY $5ONLY                                     Susan: What about lunch? What time is it?
                                                                 Albert: At (3) ______, at Castle Café.
             Departure: 8:30 a.m. ( In front of the City Hall)
             Lunch: 12:30 p.m. (At Castle Café)                  Susan: Cool! And what time is the return?
             Return: 5:45 p.m. (In front of the City Hall)       Albert: At (4) _________________.
                                                                 Susan: That sounds nice.

                    Daily Excursion by NUKUTOURS                 …

          b) Listen and circle the times and dates you hear.

                             1  a  08:30             b  08:13            c  08:32
                             2  a  02, June          b  02, July         c  02, January
                             3  a  4:20 p.m.         b  3:40 p.m.        c  4:40 p.m.
                             4  a  4 July            b  4  June          c  14  July
          a) Read the dialogues and match them to the places. Two places are extra.

             LIVE MUSIC CONCERT          NIGHT MARKET             FALL FESTIVAL             MOVIE NIGHT

            Pat   : Are you busy next week?                   Sal    : I’m terribly bored.
            Sam : It depends. What day do you mean?           Tony : Let’s go to the cinema, then.
            Pat   : 8  April.                                 Sal    : What’s on?
            Sam : What time?                                  Tony : I don’t know, but the Movie Night organisation is tonight.
            Pat   : In the afternoon, at 3 p.m. There is a concert. Shall we go?  Sal    : What time is it?
            Sam : Oh, I’m sorry, but I have a meeting at 3 p.m.  Tony : At 9:15, at Grand Garden Hotel. At least, we can try.
                                                              Sal    : That sounds great. I like surprises.
            Pat   : No problem.
                                                              Tony : See you there.
                                                              Sal    : Bye.
                 1. ______________________________________         2. ______________________________________

          b) Work in pairs. As student A, invite your partner to one of the events in ‘Exercise a’ and as student B, refuse by giving a
            reason or accept.

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   35
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