P. 40



          a) Answer the questions below.
           1.  What kind of films do you like watching?
           2.  What is the name of the film you last watched?
           3.  Which cartoon character was your favourite?
           4.  Do you read film reviews before going to the cinema?

          b) Read the definitions and match them with the correct type of films in the box. One type is extra.

                Adventure   Animation   Detective     Sci-fi     Action   Biographical  Western    Romance

             1.  Amanda watched a movie with her sister. It showed lots of scary creatures flying around a house with horrifying sounds. The aim
                of this type of film is to make you scream and be afraid.
             2.  Jamila has watched a film about a man’s fight to get his son back from bad people. In this film, the main characters have lots of
                battles, do challenging actions, and drive fast.
             3.  Jasmine is fond of love stories, so she often goes to the cinema to watch her favourite films with her husband. The aim of the main
                character is to achieve his / her goal, which is ‘love’. By the way, many of them are romantic comedies.
             4.  My little daughter, Ece, sometimes watches her favourite film in the mornings. The characters are not real, so she says she is a
                superhero and can fly. In these films, they use computer graphics to make stories of adventure, comedies, and more.

             5.  Ronaldo hates films focusing on someone’s life story. He thinks they are very boring or dull as they have no exciting scenes. These
                films are usually about very famous people. They can also be documentaries.
             6.  Liz had two tickets to a movie about life on Mars. She offered her friend to see it together. They got excited to see such a fantastic
                film, but it was very boring and terrible. These films are usually about the future with robots and other planets, or just about the
                future of our planet, the Earth.
             7.  Samuel is crazy about solving problems in films, so he watches films in which the police search for clues to find out the crime.
                These films feature some crimes and their solution by a detective. The detective must find out who has committed a crime before
                the criminal commits other terrible crimes.
             8.  Celine went to the cinema to watch a film about the life of a man in an exotic jungle. These films include pirates and historical
                adventures such as sailing around the world and living in a jungle.
          c) Write the types of films into the correct column according to the film reviews below. Use the given words once.

                                        fantasy, comedy, action, adventure, sci-fi, thriller

                 Jurassic World Avengers            Avengers: Endgame          Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

                .................................................  .................................................  .................................................

                .................................................  .................................................  .................................................

          d) Read the film reviews below. Then draw in the boxes    for likes /  ☹ for dislikes.

                                                                                                IMDb: 7.0

      38    English for Preparatory Class
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