P. 45


          Multiple Choice

          7.  Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the   10. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
            sentence given below?                                 Alicia  : Hey Billie! Are you available on Saturday
            Jonathan is crazy about surfing the Net but can’t stand        afternoon?
            chatting on the Net with people he doesn’t know.      Billie  : Yeah, I have no plans for that day.

            A)  Everybody may not enjoy chatting on the Net with the pe-  Alicia  : I have two tickets for a romantic comedy film.
               ople they don’t know but Jonathan is fond of it.            Would you like to come with me?
                                                                  Billie  : Really! I’d love to, but ....... .
            B)  Jonathan is keen on windsurfing with his friends but hates
               doing it with the people he doesn’t know.          Alicia  : OK. No problem. Maybe, next time.
                                                                  Billie  : See you. Bye.
            C)  Jonathan can’t surf the Net with the people he doesn’t
               know but he can chat with his friends.             A) I’m not keen on romantic comedies. I prefer action films
            D)  Surfing the Net is Jonathan’s least favourite hobby but   B) I can’t stand romantic comedies; they are my favourite
               chatting with the friends on the Net is the most favorite one.
            E)  Surfing the Net is Jonathan’s most favourite hobby but he
               hates chatting with the people he doesn’t know.    C) I prefer romantic comedies to action films
                                                                  D) I really enjoy watching romantic comedies
                                                                  E) I find romantic comedies very interesting

          8.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.  11. Which of the following underlined word is wrong?

              Tim  : Would you like to go to the rock concert with me?  I.    A: When is Rihanna’s birthday?
                                                                       B: It’s on 16 June.
              Linda : Rock music is not very me. Thanks.
                                                                   II.   A: What time is your English class?
           Linda means “......”.                                        B: It starts at four o’clock.
                                                                   III.  A: When were you born?
            A)  I will join you, thanks.                                B: I was born at 1995.
            B)  I love rock music, thanks.                         IV.  A: When do you visit your grandparents?
                                                                       B: At Easter.
            C) I don’t like rock music, thanks.                    V.  A: When was your basketball training?
                                                                        B: It was on Sunday evening.
            D) I like rock music, thanks.
            E)  I am too busy to join a rock concert.
                                                                   A) I                 B) II                  C) III              D) IV              E) V

          9. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.  12. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
           Dave    : I think modern machines and automatic
                     equipment are taking over humans’ jobs.       Adrian  : Hi, Lola. Why don’t we go and get a cup of
                     What’s your opinion about it, Alison?                  coffee?
                                                                   Lola   :  ......  I’d love to. When are we going?
           Alison  : ...... Technology is creating more jobs than it   Adrian  : In 15 or 20 minutes. Is that OK?
                     is destroying.
            A)  I don’t think so.                                 A)  It’s not my thing.
            B)  I totally agree with you.                         B)  I’m sorry, but I can’t make it.
            C) Absolutely!                                        C) What a great idea!
            D) You’re right!                                      D) I’d love to, but I can’t.

            E)  That’s a good point.                              E)  I’m not in the mood.

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