P. 243



        a) Circle the correct option.

        1. This test is a bit / easily / nearly harder than I expected, but I am still confident that I can pass.
        2. She is by far / slightly / some taller than me, and it is only noticeable when we stand next to each other.

        3. My new car is a little / much / slightly more fuel-efficient than my old one. It gets a lot more kilometres per litre than my old one.

        4. This is by far / slightly / a bit the most delicious cake I've ever tasted.
        5. The movie was a lot / far / nearly the funniest I had ever seen; it made me laugh uncontrollably from the very beginning.

        b) Circle the correct option.

        1. Can you give me ____ information about the history of this city? I am interested in learning more about its past.

          a) many              b) some                 c) much

        2. I have ____ things to do before I go on vacation. I need to pack my bags, clean my house, and say goodbye to my friends.
          a) any                 b) a little                 c) many
        3. I do not have ____ money to spend on a new car. I need to find a way to save up some money.

          a) much              b) some                 c) a few

        4. There are ____ people who are still waiting to be interviewed for the job. I am not sure when they will be called.
          a) any                 b) a few                  c) a little
        5. Do you have ____ idea where I can find a good mechanic? My car is making a strange noise.

          a) lots of             b) any                    c) a few

        6. There are ____ people who are interested in this new product. I think it is going to be very successful.
          a) a few              b) any                    c) a lot of
        7. He has ____ knowledge about computers, but he's excited to learn more and try out new technologies.

          a) a little             b) a lot of               c) a few

        c) Rewrite the direct sentences in the indirect speech.

              Direct Speech                                     Indirect Speech

          1.  “I can get home on my own.”                       Frank said (that) ___________________________________

          2.  “There was an accident outside the supermarket yesterday.”  My husband told me (that) ___________________________

          3.  “I am flying to London tomorrow.”                 Ms Clark said (that) _________________________________

          4.  “I don’t want to go dancing today.”               Claire said to her friend (that) _________________________

          5.  “I have ordered pizza for dinner.”                My mother told us (that) _____________________________

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