P. 238


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)  1. cling  2. hand-to-hand combat  3. armoured suit 4. agile  5. durable  6. rope  7. orphan
          Vocabulary         8. inspiring 9. caring  10. courageous 11. fair  12. patient  13. modest  14. creative  Extra: imagination
                          c)  A. 6   B. 1   C. 7   D. 8     E. 14  F. 3   G. 2
                             H. 9    I. 10  J. 13  K. 4     L. 11  M. 12  N. 5

                          a)   Students’ own answers
                          b)   2, 3, 5, 8
                          c)  1. Tom       2. Helen       3. Helen      4. Tom
                             Speaking   Students’ own answers

                          a)  1. were     2. would be able to     3. would go     4. was / were     5. would feel     6. could invite
                          b)  2. If my sister did her homework, her teacher wouldn’t get angry with her.
                             3. If I lived in a big house, I could invite my friends over.
                             4. If I got up early, I wouldn’t be late for school.
                             5. If I had free time, I could travel abroad with my family.
                             6. If my uncle ate less bread, he would lose some weight.
                          c)  Students’ own answers
                          d)  2. I wish I didn’t have to share the bedroom.
                             3. I wish the kitchen wasn’t / weren’t in such a mess.
                             4. I wish the teachers weren’t strict.
                             5. I wish the classes weren’t so hard to understand.
                             6. I wish the people were friendly.
                             7. I wish I could visit my family and friends. / I wish my family and friends were close to me.
                             8. I wish I had some friends.

                          a)  1. a  2. b   3. Students’ own answers
                          b)  Sentence 1
                          c)  1. The strong wish of the President of the USA was to meet Atatürk.
                             2. According to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom genius people are rarely found.
                             3. The Prime Minister of Greece think that Türkiye could be proud of itself because it has such a great leader.
                             4. Atatürk was the hero of him because he admired Atatürk when he was young.
                             5. The Prime Minister of Japan admire Atatürk because of the reforms he did.
                             Writing   Students’ own answers
                                                                                                 Multiple Choice
                                    1 P  R   O   M    O   T  2  E

                                                             N              3 M                      1)  A
                                4                                   5
                                 W   1                       D        P   R      Z   E               2)  D
                                  I                          U                L  5                   3)  A
                                  S         6  H  2          R                E                      4)  C

                              C   H   A   S  E               A                S                      5)  B
          Fun Page                           R        I  N   N   O    V  A       O   R
          Crossword Puzzle          9    6                               3   O                       6)  E
                                      F      O                C
                                10                                                                   7)  D
                                 D        D   I  C   A    T   E              N
                                      A      N                                E                      8)  A

                                      T  4   E                                                       9)  E
                                      U                                                              10)  E

                                      R                                                              11)  E
                                             KEYWORD:      W H A       T    I  F
                                                                                                     12)  B

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