P. 237


           Multiple Choice
          7.   Which of the following can be said according to the   10.  Answer the following question according to the
            given situation?                                       paragraph.
               Your friends invite you to the school ball at the end of the         Aziz Sancar is a well known Turkish scientist. He was
            year, but you have to attend a meeting on the date of the   born in 1946, in Mardin. He has lived in the USA since
            ball. You come across your best friend in the street and   1977. He worked at Yale University between 1977 and
            express your imaginary wish desperately:               1982. He is still working as a professor at North Carolina
                                                                   State University. He has worked on molecular biology. In
            A) I would  like to join  the ball with  you, but I can’t   2015, he won the Nobel Prize for his research on DNA
              graduate this year.                                  repair. He also developed a new technique, which is
            B) If my father lets me join the school ball, I will   called ‘Maxicell’. You can see this new term in the Oxford
              accompany you.                                       Dictionary of Molecular Biology.
            C) I hope the school ball is held earlier this year, or else   Which of the following is the best title for the text?
              I can’t come.
                                                                   A)  Research on DNA
            D) I wish I could join the school ball, but I must     B)  The Nobel Prize
              be at the meeting.
                                                                   C)  Oxford Dictionary of Molecular Biology
            E) I won’t attend the meeting if you want me to
              come to the ball.                                    D)  A new technique, Maxicell
                                                                   E)  The Success Story of a Turkish Scientist

          8.   Choose the correct statement to complete the sentence.  11.  Answer the following question according to the
               I wish I didn’t have to go to İstanbul this week ....... .
                                                                      It all happened when I saw a poster about New Zealand
            A) because I want to study more for the exams
                                                                   on the bus last May. At that moment, I decided to go with
            B) because I am still in İstanbul
                                                                   my friend and discover this fantastic country. I rented my
            C) so I can go to İstanbul                             house and left home for 6 months. It was not easy, but at
            D) because you were still my friend                    last I managed to go there because New Zealand is far
            E) so you didn’t feel better                           away and expensive for me.
                                                                      What does ‘It’ refer to?

                                                                   A)  People and nature
                                                                   B)  A famous person’s poster
                                                                   C)  New Zealand
                                                                   D)  A house for sale
                                                                   E)  The journey

          9.   Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.   12.  Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks.
               (I) In order to make an ancient coin, you need a coin, a soft         If I ...... wings, I ...... like a bird in the sky.
            lint-free cloth, a permanent black marker and some clear
            nail polish. (II) To begin with, mark all over the coin and   A)  have / would fly
            completely cover in black. (III) Next, paint clear nail polish   B)  had / would fly
            on one side of the coin. (IV) Later, rub most of it off with   C)  had / flew
            the cloth before the nail polish dries. (V) A coin is a small,
            flat, round piece of metal used primarily as a medium of   D)  will have / fly
            exchange.                                              E)  have / will fly
             A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

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